Protecting life and vital ecosystems in Guyana & across the planet

Melinda Janki is the recipient of the 6th Commonwealth Law Conference Rule of Law award. She is an international lawyer opposing dangerous deep sea oil and gas exploitation offshore Guyana.  

Stopping these projects is non-negotiable for the ocean, the atmosphere, and life on earth — the stakes couldn’t be higher.

The practice

Oil & Gas

Greenhouse gas pollution causes global overheating, climate system breakdown and ocean acidification. Enough is enough. Fossil fuels cost the earth.

Protecting the
natural world

Humans are part of an intricate natural system. For millennia, the natural world has provided us with air, water, food and meaning. We must live in harmony with the earth and our more than human companions.

Defending indigenous
& native rights

From Guyana to West Papua and beyond, indigenous and native peoples have the right to self-determination for themselves and their territories.

Meet Melinda

Opposing a desperate and reckless fossil fuel industry in Guyana; writing national laws to protect nature and indigenous and local people; and winning victories in landmark court cases.

Court Cases

Browse the case files here for the top-line details. Click through to learn more. View all cases here.

Thomas v Environmental Protection Agency and Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Ltd., 2020

Dr Troy Thomas claimed the EPA had illegally granted Esso Exploration and Production Guyana ltd (Esso) environmental permits for oil exploration lasting twenty or more years, when the law restricts the term of an environmental permit to five.

Read more about this case


reduction in global coal use needed by 2050 to limit global overheating to 1.5°C

$295 billion

per year needed in developing countries by 2050 to adapt to climate change

9 warmest years on record

occurred between 2014–2022

Janki blogs

When time allows, which is occasionally, I write longer format articles.  For my fellow Earth dwellers sharing these challenging times, I hope these stories will enliven and enlighten you; for the bad actors among my website visitors, learn to live with love!   Please view the full blog index here.